Free Civil engineering Softwares 2014

- 3D Nature’s World Construction Set
- photorealistic 3D terrain visualization for cartography,
architecture, civil engineering, golf, forestry and land planning.
- 3D Structural Modeling Software – 3D+
-An AutoCAD based parametric modeling, analysis, design and drawing
system for structural engineers. Includes program description with
downloadable videos. Offers online ordering and technical support.
- Archon Engineering – makers of civil and mechanical engineering software, specializing in finite element analysis tools
– software for civil engineers and land-surveyors that automates the
implementation production rules for laying out civil engineering
drawings. From CADCOM.
- ARTS hydraulic design software-
A graphical hydraulic design package covering waterhammer,
water/wastewater treatment design, open channel flow and pipe networks.
- Autodesk Civil-
builds on Autodesk Land Desktop with tools that automate civil
engineering tasks and enhance collaboration on projects from
transportation engineering to hydraulics, site development to hydrology
- AutoTURN – CAD-based software for simulating vehicle maneuvers for transportation
design, by Transoft Solutions
- AutoTURN Aircraft – CAD-based software simulation tool used to evaluate aircraft and vehicle movements at airports, by Transoft Solutions
- BOSS International-
makers of civil engineering software for groundwater, surface water and
terrain modeling, plus applications for hydrology and wastewater
- CAiCE Software Corporation – makers of civil software automation tools for survey, civil design, construction and drainage engineers
- Carlson Software
– makers of several AutoCAD- and IntelliCAD-compatible surveying, civil
engineering, hydrology/sewer, mining, and GIS applications, including
Carlson Survey, Carlson Civil, Carlson Hydrology, Carlson Mining, and
Carlson GIS
– a suite of civil design and survey software for Cogo, contouring,
subdivision and roadway design. Free 60-day trial. From Foresight
- Construsoft
– Offers the programs : Xsteel, a 3D modeling system for steel
structures; Powerframe, for analyzing structures in steel, concrete and
timber and Powerplate, to analyze plates with using the finite element
method (FEM). Description of programmes and services offered. Examples
of structures developed with these programmes.
- DTWARE Engineering Software – Software for column and continuous beam analysis.
- Eagle Point Software- architectural, civil and construction software, including AutoCAD add-ons
to analyze and design slab foundations and to determine contact
pressures, settlements, moments and shear forces of slab foundations by
the method of finite elements.
engineering software store features a wide selection of products with
downloadable demos of most products. From KRC Technologies Inc.
- Ezicad- integrated package for cogo and contour routines and road design.Download the program for a free 14-day tryout.
- Geocomp Systems- makers of software for survey, civil design, volume estimation and setout projects, including Geocomp, GeoCalc and Geonav
- GEOPAK – suite of civil engineering software for surveying and roadway design
- Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Software Directory- lists more than 1,300 programs, plus more than 700
worldwide suppliers and publishers of these programs
- Highway Safety Analysis Software
– traffic accident studies program includes including data entry,
summary by accident categories, collision diagrams and safety benefits
evaluation. From X32 Group, Inc.
- IcoMap- converts paper land records into vector-based parcel maps. From UCLID Software.
- Inlet Master
– a hydraulic program to help design and analyze the performance of
storm drain Inlets, which allows the analysis of a complete network of
inlets. From AMC Inc.
- InRoads – handles
multiple aspect of civil engineering projects including road design,
corridor design, road widening, road resurfacing, landfill design, and
building site design, by Bentley
- MWH Software – creators of water distribution software
- ParkCAD – CAD-based software for generating conceptual parking lot designs, doing what-if scenarios, by Transoft Solutions
- Performance of Reinforced Concrete - The Java Applet predicts the structural performance of reinforced concrete panels.
- PGSuper-
can be used to design and check precast-prestressed girder bridges in
accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification. Free.
- Rcolumn
– Analyzes reinforced concrete columns for biaxial bending in
accordance with the provisions of the AASHTO and ACI Codes for Working
Stress, Service Load, and Load Factor designs. Features, screenshots and
- Rockmate Technical Services- makers of software for the environment, vehicle tracking, surveying, security, explosives and the extractive industries
- Rockgrout -
Animated and interactive programs explaining the design and
construction of cement grouting. Includes an instructive game in which
an imaginary hole is ‘grouted’.
- RockWare Inc.- makers of more than 200 applications for geological, hydrological and other related earth-science disciplines
- SiteComp-
stand-alone surveying and civil engineering software provides for
contouring, legal description writing, and site, road and utility design
and is compatible with DWG, DGN, DXF and ASCII formats. From SiteComp,
- Skjeggedal Consulting – Offers Areas, a program for calculation of section properties of steel beams. Screenshots and free demo download.
- Soakaway Design – Wastewater system design, includes rainfall map for the UK.
- Software Solutions - Providing software solutions for both industrial and commercial engineering applications.
- Spencer Engineering Software.
- For the evaluation and selection of standard open-web steel joists for
floor and roof construction, including joist/slab vibration analysis.
- SPLASHS With Ripple-Thru – relationship-based design software for civil engineers and teams designing roads, sites, sewer lines and storm drains
- Structural Analysis Software – S-Frame
– A fully integrated suite of structural analysis and design software
solutions, from entry-level 2D frame analysis to advanced non-linear 3D
finite element analysis.
- The Engineer’s Document and Design System
-Structural Calculation Software within Microsoft Word, to integrating
analysis and designc calculations. With a comprehensive set of libraries
for many specialties. Description of programme and libraries. Online
- Topocad- CAD program for surveying, design, engineering and mapping. From Chaos Systems.
- VisionCivil
– VisionCivil, The Civil Engineering Software for AutoCAD or
MicroStation environments. DTM, COGO, TIN, String and Connectivity
Manager, etc.
- Wallingford Software
– makers of software for the water industry, including data management
and network modeling software to support planning and operations in
water distribution, sewerage provision and river management and coastal
- X32 Group, Inc
– Highway safety analysis software for traffic accident studies, which
includes data processing and filtering, accident summary, collision
diagram, calculating accident rates and estimating safety benefits.

Primus-DCF is a free and complete software that allows Engineers,
Architects, Surveyors and building contractors to easily create bills of
quantities and estimates for the building industry through a very
user-friendly interface. Your monitor becomes your desktop where you
will be able to open Price Books, Price Lists, Estimates and Bills of
Quantities, consult them, insert, modify or copy parts of data from a
source document to a destination document, and easily modify data with
simple Drag&Drop operations. Thanks to the WYSIWYG (What You See Is
What You Get) technology, the document that you see while editing is
exactly the same document you will get printed on paper. You can have
different documents on your monitor and operate on any of them wherever
you want by simply pointing your mouse cursor on the part you want to
modify allowing you to work in a more direct and intuitive way.
Furthermore, the DCF (Document Computation Format) format can be
modified for free thanks to Primus. This revolutionary format allows you
to easily transmit Bills of Quantities and Estimate documents: send,
receive, publish on the Internet, copy to hard disk (CD, USB Memory,
floppy disk, etc). All the information in your document will be
contained in one unique compressed file that can be also easily exported
and edited in Word and Excel. No large sized database structures but
just one small sized easy to manage compressed file! With Primus-DCF you
can also take-off measurements directly from your AutoCAD drawing file
with a very powerful feature that recognizes the drawing entities and
automatically sends the measurements to the associated Price List Item
in PriMus-DCF. This additional feature allows you constantly keep under
control the Bill of Quantities and Estimate’s budget as the design phase
progresses, updating all data in realtime!
- Click here to download
- Nisa Design Studio – used for designing slab, col, beam, footings (individual, combined, pile, raft), steel sections,retaining walls
- Sruds – Can be used for btech level projects
- Fastrak
– Fastrak is the definitive software for the design, documentation and
BIM interoperability of structural steel buildings. Fastrak uniquely
synchronizes your design models with BIM platforms such as Autodesk
Revit Structure.
- Tedds – Free trial download-
Tedds is advanced software to automate your daily civil and structural
calculations. Developed in-house by CSC, Tedds includes a diverse range
of calculations to a range of international design codes. Using Tedds
will help save you time and make your daily structural calculations more
efficient. Download your free 45 day trial today
- Structural BIM
– Structural BIM is the ability to share the structural engineer’s
code-based design data intelligently within the BIM (Building
Information Modelling) project environment. CSC’s code-based steel and
concrete building design software, Fastrak and Orion synchronises with
leading BIM platforms, such as AutodeskR RevitR Structure and Tekla
- Fastrak Composite Beam (free download)
– Free software for designing composite and non composite beams.
Fastrak Composite Beam is part of the Fastrak Building Designer suite,
the definitive software for designing structural steel buildings with
both simple and complex geometry.
- Bridge Engineering Software (free version)
– BrAsS (Bridge Assessment Software) is a purpose built application for
calculating, organising and presenting structural section properties
for use in the assessment of bridge structures.
- UnderSee Explorer
– Affordable, easy to use software for generating contour charts and
grids. In Real Time Mode it is an automated data collector connected to
NMEA devices such as a GPS/Sounder, providing real time visualization
and navigation on the PC screen. Points can also be imported from
GPS/Sounder logs or other file formats such as shapefile or text files.
Grids, contours and points can be exported to several formats as well.
Other features include Metric and US units, Tide compensation, elevation
adjustments, shorelines, islands, markers, and more. The name implies
its versatile use. It is currently used by many different industries and
is quickly gaining popularity for its “keep it affordable and simple”
approach. We don’t try to do everything under the sun, nor do we intend
to. We believe this is the key to our success. This lets us focus on
making a product do something well, hence helping you do something well.
There is a free trial download and a 100% money back guarantee on the
product. Burlison Technologies is located in the U.S. and they are
committed to top notch customer service. The product in under active
development and enhancements / fixes are responded to extremely quickly,
often within hours or days.
- PPS – Performance Planning System
- PPS is a stand-alone advanced land development design system complete
with an education on how to create more efficient and sustainable
communities. Its (patent pending) position based coordinate geometry is
easy to use and learn. PPS is both coordinate and spatial based – the
drawing is the geometry. PPS is not about creating faster plats, it’s
about building beautiful, functional, safe neighborhoods that are
environmentally andeconomically superior to conventional design and
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