Construction Methods have changed a lot since the first roads were built
in about 4000 BC. Read on to learn more about road construction methods
and procedures.

In ancient times, river transport was much faster and easier than
road transport. The Romans were one of the first to build stone paved
roads in North Africa and Europe to support their military operations.
Later the Arabs built roads that were covered with tar. The roads were
constructed by preparing earthworks and lifting the road foundation at
the center for water drainage. Road construction techniques gradually
improved by the study of road traffic, stone thickness, road alignment,
and slope gradients. Initial road construction materials were stones
that were laid in a regular, compact design, and covered with smaller
stones to produce a solid layer.
The building techniques were simple but effective as they reduced the
travel time considerably and connected one place to another by land.
The Appian Way in Rome still exists although it was constructed 2300
years ago. If Roman roads are considered the beginning of road
construction, Telford Pavements are known as the second step of this
process, followed by the Macadam Pavements that ultimately lead to the
Bitumen Roads. Today, the concrete roads have added another dimension to
stability and strength of the roadways.
Road Construction Techniques
road construction involves the removal of geographic obstacles, and the
use of new construction materials that are far more improved and
durable. Rock and earth is removed by explosion or digging. Embankments,
tunnels, and bridges are constructed, and then vegetation is removed by
deforestation, if necessary. Finally, the pavement material is laid by
using a range of road construction equipment.
Roadways are basically designed and constructed for use by vehicles
and pedestrians. Storm drainage and ecological considerations should be
considered seriously. Sediments and erosion are controlled to avoid
damaging effects. Drainage systems are constructed so that they should
be able to carry waste water to a waterway, stream, river, or the sea.
Importance of Earthwork
Earthwork is one of the major works involved in road construction.
This process includes excavation, material removal, filling, compaction,
and construction. Moisture content is controlled, and compaction is
done according to standard design procedures. Normally, rock explosion
at the road bed is not encouraged. While filling a depression to reach
the road level, the original bed is flattened after the removal of the
topsoil. The fill layer is distributed and compacted to the designed
specifications. This procedure is repeated until the compaction desired
is reached. The fill material should not contain organic elements, and
possess a low index of plasticity. Fill material can include gravel and
decomposed rocks of a particular size, but should not consist of huge
clay lumps. Sand clay can be used. The area is considered to be
adequately compacted when the roller movement does not create a
noticeable deformation. The road surface finish is reliant on the
economic aspects, and the estimated usage.
Bulldozers are some of the most important items of equipment used in
road construction. Since a bulldozer is expensive, economic usage
factors should be considered when using one. Bulldozers are extremely
useful for road construction where it is possible to throw the waste
excavated material on the road sides. Bulldozers may only be used if the
slopes at the sides are not excessively steep. However, work on steep
slopes can be accomplished by a bulldozer by using special techniques
and expertise.
Construction of roads in challenging conditions is no more a
difficult tasks because the binding agents and admixtures make it
possible for the roads to last long and carry the heavy loads without
cracking under tough environmental conditions. Use of recyclable
materials for the construction of roads has added balance to the
enviroment too.
Construction Management of Roads
ever increasing traffic and exponentially increasing vehicular load,
construction management techniques have become the need of the hour.
Managing maximum traffic in optimal space is what the world needs today.
Safe designing of roads, highway space management and proper drainage
of water are major aspects that the site engineers have to take care of.
Construction management includes putting all the pieces of puzzle
together, defining project objectives, dividing the project into modules
and optimizing the available resources. Time, money and resource
management are important aspects. Time saved is money earned, and that
is where construction management techniques are helpful.
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