Sunday, January 26, 2014

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Bulldozer Caterpillar D11 : A Review

Bulldozer Cat D11The D11 from Caterpillar is among the series of tracked type tractors are among the largest conventional bulldozers in the world, second to the Komatsu D575.  It comes in two variations, the standard D-11R and the bigger and heavier D-11R CD. The D-11 bulldozer is among the upper end of  Caterpillars track type tractors, which range in power and size from the D-3 (77 HP) to the D-11R  (935 HP).
The primary use for the D-11 is for moving large quantities of rock, dirt, etc. short distances in confined spaces.  The D-11 is often times used in quarries.  The price, size, power and weight of the D11 dictate that they are used primarily for major products.  You can normally find the D11 used in forestry, mining, excavation, and quarry operations.
The D-11 is high known and favored for its amazing power and ability to rip into the earth, making them ideal for agricultural and rock ripping type work.  The ripper is the long claw like device  you can find on the back of the D-11.  Rippers come in single shank or in groups of two or more, known as multi shank rippers.  Normally, a single shank is all you need for heavy ripping work.
The ripping of rock will allow the ground surface rock to be broken up into small, easy to handle and transport rubble which can then be removed so that you can grade the area.
The agricultural ripping feature will allow rocky or very hard ground to be broken up so that otherwise unarable land can be put to use with agricultural applications.
The blade on the front of the D-11 comes in 3 varieties:
1.  A straight blade which is short and has no lateral curve, no side wings, and is ideal for fine grading.
2.  A universal blade which is tall and very curved, and has large side wings which can carry more material.
3.  A combination blade that is shorter, has less curvature, and smaller wings on the side.
The nearest competition for the Caterpillar D-11 is the Komatsu D-475.  The Caterpillar can best be distinguished from the Komatsu by the elevated drive sprocket or high drive system that results in a triangular, rather than oval, shaped caterpillar track.
The D-11 is a fine testament to the superb products Caterpillar offers.  They are great for excavation and clearing dirt, as they can push large piles of dirt.  They are also good for rock, as they can move even the biggest of rocks from the ground without breaking a sweat.  If you’ve wanted a bulldozer with uncanny strength and abilities, the D-11 is just what you need on your job site.


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