LUSAS develops, markets and supports a range of engineering analysis software products all based upon the LUSAS finite element analysis system.LUSAS software products can solve all types of linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, composite and thermal engineering analysis problem. All software products are available in LT,Standard or Plus versions.
Analysis capabilities for particular LUSAS software products can be extended by using Nonlinear, Dynamic, Thermal/Field, Fast Solvers and other software options.
At these prices you can afford to try LUSAS for yourself and discover why universities and colleges worldwide are turning to LUSAS for their Finite Element Research and Teaching requirements.
What do I get?
- A fully functional version with no limit on problem size
- State of the art finite element technology from one of the world’s leading suppliers
- An easy to use graphical user interface for Windows XP/2000/Vista/7/8
- Extensive customisation capabilities through the LUSAS Programmable Interface
- Special interfaces for researchers to incorporate their own research work
- Collaborative research opportunities with LUSAS.
- Reduced rates on scheduled LUSAS training courses (up to 50% discount on commercial rates) when available
- Worked examples to help students understand the fundamentals of finite element analysis
- An additional free Teaching / Training version of LUSAS to distribute freely to your students
Media and Documentation
- The LUSAS Academic software kit is supplied with two CDs, one for installation of the full licenced version plus one which can be freely distributed to students for teaching purposes.
- A LUSAS Modeller User Manual and two Examples Manuals (One for Civil Engineering, one for Mechanical Engineering) is provided with each kit. Other manuals are available in both PDF format and in printed form.
Analysis Capabilities
- By using the software protection device and licence key supplied, the full licenced version allows access to the following software products and options:
- Software products: LUSAS Analyst, LUSAS Bridge, LUSAS Civil & Structural, LUSAS Composite
- Software options: Fast Solvers, IMD Plus, Nonlinear, Dynamics, Thermal/Field, Heat of Hydration.
LUSAS Finite Element Analysis Suite (Academic) v15.0.1 x86+x64
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